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2022 Review P3: Plans for 2023

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Rounding off the 2022 round-up, in this concluding Part 3 of the 2022 Review I take a quick look at future plans, and what’s in store.

Thank you all so much for helping make 2022 the success it was, and fingers crossed we can repeat the process in this coming year.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend, and I'll catch you in the week.



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24 comentários

Joe The Attic Woodworker
Joe The Attic Woodworker
09 de jan. de 2023

Thanks Peter,

the basics build series is invaluable to us beginner's. the acrylic jig idea is an absolute winner.

keep up the great work.


09 de jan. de 2023
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Thanks Joe! 👍👍


Norman Coutts
Norman Coutts
09 de jan. de 2023

Well, you can't be accused of slowing down, can you Peter? Your plans sound ambitious and interesting, but please don't lose sight of those of us with more modest project and growth aspirations. All the best for sure. You deserve every success.

09 de jan. de 2023
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Thanks Norman! 🙌👍👍


08 de jan. de 2023

Possibly not Colin! 😂 The garden office sounds great, and please post photos in the Member Projects forum - it’s the perfect place! Thank you! 👍👍


Colin Dawson
08 de jan. de 2023

Wow Peter, will a year be long enough for all that 😁. It all sounds very interesting and a great deal of content to look forward to for 2023. Your coming year sounds as busy as the year I've just had, one of the reasons my workshop has been taking so long to complete was the fact that most of my spring and summer spare time was spent building a timber "Garden Office" for my son. I did think about posting extracts of the build process in the "Members Project" section but didn't know if it was appropriate or not but if you think it might be of interest to the group, then let me know and I can put something together. To be…


David Sneddon
David Sneddon
08 de jan. de 2023

A very reassuring video Peter on many counts for both yourself and us. Continuity of meaningful content, interest at a very high level and a semi clear strategy going forward always makes any investment worthwhile . Excellent levels of anticipation all round Peter, can’t wait pal👍

08 de jan. de 2023
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Cheers David! 🙌👍👍

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