Hi everyone, just a chatty catch-up this week. Lots going on, and lots to do.
It was great to see everyone who’s stopped by the workshop this week to pick up the final few odds and ends from the clearance, and thanks so much to everyone who made the journey.
The current video on the 'Tracksaw Launchpad' is doing well, and I want to thank everyone for their input, but especially Sarah for the original question, Graham for the follow-up, and Paul for mentioning it's potential usefulness with a longer guiderail too - a real team effort this one and a fantastic demonstration of the hive mind at work! 🙌
I did the draw for the Festool Toolie tool giveaway, and congratulations Dirk (spoiler!) I'll be in touch shortly to arrange everything.
Next giveaway will be the last of the bigger things, and I'll be letting this one run for a couple of weeks, maybe three, as I want to shoot some video about them. Basically, I've had enough of my parallel clamps - they just don't work well for the kind of work I do, and as part of 'thinking the unthinkable' clearout they're going to go.
With apologies to the more distant members, these will be collection only due to weight: there are three 'lots' and I won't be removing any names as the draw progresses, so someone could get all fourteen clamps. Probably Dafydd! Got to be in it to win it, and the usual rules apply - link to the form below when it's all set up and ready to go, one entry per person only please and note that they are checked and multiple entries are deleted.
In the extended version I also talk a more about the new Festool sander and the lineage from the old ETS line, whilst also comparing Festool to Mercedes. There's some progress on the handle cut-out template, and (whispers quietly) a decision made on the long-running MFT jig saga. Yay.
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Thanks everyone; enjoy the rest of the weekend and I'll catch up soon.
Direct link - https://youtu.be/qGZCNvMoWFE
Thanks Peter!
Members will be pleased to know i won't enter this competition cos i live too far away 🤣🤣🤣 good luck to those who do enter.